Is Pain Always a Bad Thing?

Chiropractic Fitness -IS PAIN ALWAYS A BAD THING? Michael Caruso, DC – 919 Main Street Belmar – 732-749-3098

Although it may not be a pleasant feeling, pain is a very important indicator that something is going wrong with the body. Even though it's not something that the chiropractor uses for analysis of the spine, it still should be put into perspective so that the person receiving care understands clearly what it is the chiropractor is trying to accomplish.

When a sensory nerve is irritated, something usually hurts. When it has been compressed for a long period of time, maybe it just doesn't work as well as it should. It may lose sensation and you won't be able to feel things the way you should. That may be one of a couple reasons why you can't feel a sub- luxation that has been there a long time. The subluxation(nerve pressure) may be cutting off the sensory nerve signals to and from the brain. Some- times when people are adjusted for the first time, they may feel some low grade discomfort. This is due to those sensory nerve pathways finally opening up and nerves working as they should. Things are changing. The body is adapting. Is this a bad thing? 

If one has a bladder infection, what do you think would happen if the sensory nerves to that area were blocked off? If one has a malignant tumor growing in an area where sensory nerves are blocked off, what would happen? That's right. That person probably wouldn't know bad things are going on inside their body. As the nervous system starts to work better, one may be more aware of what's going on. The signals may be more efficient. I’ve personally experienced people over the years that have had their symptoms gradually or extremely worsen as a result of getting their spines adjusted. They were soon diagnosed with some type cancer in a part of their body distal to the spine. Some were lucky enough to survive and are living today because the bad situation was caught early enough. I truly believe chiropractic saved their life because their pain got worse and caused both of us to investigate further. Is this pain a bad thing? Wouldn't you want to know if something wasn't right on the inside so that you can take care of it as soon as possible? Wouldn’t it make sense to make sure all the nerves are working properly and all the signals getting through?  In chiropractic, we're not trying to get rid of your pain. Our goal is to promote proper nerve system function so you get the symptoms you are supposed to, and you don't get the symptoms that you are not supposed to. This is just one more reason to live without nerve pressure. This is just one more reason to send your family members and loved ones in to have their spines checked.


Adjustment or Manipulation?

Often we hear these two words used in the same context. Many people use  them synonymously and are convinced that they mean the same thing. People may also think that they are both intended to accomplish the same goal when performed. Let's look at the definitions and clearly understand the difference.


It is always an absolute, positive, beneficial act for every human being.

It works 100% of the time for what it’s supposed to do. You can't remove a subluxation (nerve pressure) without your life potential improving. Nerves communicate with all cells in the body. When there is a better flow of intelligence (mental impulse that travels along nerve fibers), cells will adapt better, work better, and regenerate healthier. Your body will not only be more organized, it will be stronger internally when a better nerve supply is present.


 Like any other medical procedure, manipulation may help folks with their symptoms sometimes, and other times may not help them at all. Like any other medical procedure, manipulation can be a positive thing for the body, or there may be risks involved.



What is it?       Intelligent energy

Where does it come from?      The Brain

Where does it go?      To all parts of the body

How does it get there?       By way of the nerve system

What does it do?       It keeps you alive and 100% healthy.

What happens if it gets shut down?  Your body expresses less than its full potential for life…...every time.

How does it get shut down?       Vertebral Subluxation(nerve pressure)

How does it get turned on again?        Chiropractic Adjustments

What happens when it is turned on again?     Life returns…adaptation begins…....every time.

What happens when you keep it turned on?    You maintain the greatest degree of life possible

How do we know when to be checked for Nerve Interference?

You should never use how you feel as a gage to know whether or not to come in and be checked for nerve interference. I've studied the nervous system for 3 1/2 years in chiropractic school and have read countless books and articles on the subject in the 30 plus years I've been in practice. The only way you'll ever know if your subluxated (interference to the nerve system) is if you come in to your chiropractor and get checked.

Let me explain briefly. About 85% of the nerve system supplies both your muscles and your organs. If any of those fibers are impinged upon or irritated at the level of the nerve root, you'll never feel it. However, the cells on the other end may never get the correct signal from the brain. That leaves about 15% nerves that deal with pain and other sensations. If any of these fibers are compressed, two things can happen. Pain sensation can be stimulated in which case you may surely feel it. Or, pain sensation can be actually turned off if the nerve has been compressed for any long length of time. In this case you won't feel it. So, that leaves the possibility of you feeling a subluxation about 7 1/2% of the time. 

Pain is not a reliable indicator of subluxation or nerve interference, so please don't judge things by how you feel. It doesn't tell the real story of what's going on inside. Your chiropractor may find a subluxation in your lower spine that may be giving you some pain, and he also may find a subluxation in your upper dorsal spine that isn't causing you any discomfort, but is possibly interfering with the nerve signals going to your heart or lungs. I'm sure he will address both. Which do you think he should address first? Which is more important? You see, how and where you are feeling pain at the moment really has nothing to do with what's being done in this office. It doesn’t help me with my analysis of your spine. My objective is to find nerve interference and help the body correct it, whether it hurts or not.

You should always consider having your family checked regularly. Their nerve system is their life force. It's responsible for all levels of success in every aspect of everyone’s life. Every cell in the body has its own nerve supply. Keep the full force of intelligence flowing at all times under all circumstances. 

How do We Know our Nerve Signals ar being Blocked?


This is a very good question that someone asked. I'd like to share this answer with anyone who will read this. 

Aside from all the scientific research that has been done on this subject, I'd really like to answer this in more of a common sense approach. Let's take the example the aorta. The aorta is the major blood vessel exiting the heart that will eventually supply blood to just about every part of the body. If someone were to tie a string as tight as possible around my aorta, I would die because I eventually wouldn't have any blood reaching my tissues. If the string was to be loosened to 1/4 of the original tightness, would it kill me? It most likely would not because most of the blood would get through to the tissues. Would it hurt? It probably wouldn’t. Is it a good thing to have???................. What do you think? If you put an elastic band tightly around your finger, would it make sense to walk around with it like that for 30 years? What would happen to your finger?

You see, the hole where the nerve exits the spine is only big enough for the nerve root and other smaller soft tissue structures to pass. If the spinal bone moves ever so slightly, the whole area will be impinged. Will it kill you? I don’t think so. Will it hurt? I don’t think so.  Is it a good thing to have?........ .....What do you think?....... Will all the messages get through like they should???????? .............

If all the messages did get through, would you be closer to your best? Would all your human abilities have a better potential for improvement? 

One law of nature says that when you change the structure of something (the spine), it will always affect how that something will function or perform. Another law of nature says that when there is a higher state of order (organization in the body), things will work more efficiently. These are natural laws that are provable just by observing the existence of life itself.

It shouldn't really take 1,000 different research studies to prove what common sense and nature tell us if we just think about it a little and listen to it.       Live subluxation free!!

Can We Adjust Ourselves?

A Common Misconception

Why should I go to a chiropractor when I could do it myself? I can crack my own back. 

This is a real common misconception that I really need to address. You're right. You don't have to pay me to crack your back when you can do it at home yourself.

Let me explain the difference between what you may do at home should you choose to do it and what I do here in my office.

When one feels the need to crack his or her own neck, it means that the joints in the spine have fixated or lost mobility. Maybe the local nerves within the joints are irritated and discomfort may be experienced. When you stretch and hear that popping sound, the gas build up in the joint has released and tension has been taken off the joint. This is known as a manipulation. Maybe the local nerves are freed up. This usually feels pretty good. The problem here is that as you stretch, the same joint will release every time. This can cause the area to become overly mobile. Other areas of the spine will compensate by becoming less mobile. This can lead to the spine becoming very unstable. I really don't advise this.

When one comes into the office to have his or her spine checked, I'm really not concerned with a lack of mobility unless it also has the component of a misaligned bone with nerve interference. Then we call it a subluxation. When the spine is subluxated, the muscles anchoring the bones will have a certain character or tone that untrained hands could never analyze. Also, the major concern with a subluxation is not the little branches of sensory nerves inside the joints that may be causing some discomfort. It is the big nerve root connected to the spinal cord that is being squeezed as a result of the foramina (the opening where the nerve exits the cord) being closed down as a result of the misplaced spinal bone. When the nerve root is compressed, there is about a 15% chance you will feel it because the other 85% non sensory nerves in that bundle have the job of bringing life to muscles, organs, and other body functions. Those are the nerves that will be affected the most by the subluxation. Therefore, pain is not a reliable indicator of a compressed nerve root. Being checked by an experienced chiropractor is. When it is time for the adjustment, the amount of force and line of direction are specifically coordinated with the tone of the working fibers of the special deep muscles that are responsible for moving the spinal bones.  Only someone specially trained in the art of advanced muscle palpation with years of experience in the motor skill of adjusting technique can complete this task with accuracy. This is the difference between a specific adjustment and a manipulation. The latter does not imply the use of precision, specificity, or the correction of nerve interference.

Yes you can crack or manipulate yourself at home. You may also have somebody do it for you should you choose. Are you doing damage????? Are you helping the body get rid of nerve interference or just loosening joints????? Are you creating more subluxations and more nerve interference that you can't necessarily feel?????

Then and Now

Anxiety is something that is always on the minds of most folks. Everyone usually has some type of stress attached to them at all times. Back in the Stone Age, we either stayed and fought, or we ran away from the tiger that was chasing us causing our stress. Either way, the increased stress hormones only lasted a very short time. We then became back in a relaxed state once again. In modern times, we don’t have any large animals chasing us, but we do have a great deal of other stress always following us around. Because of the lifestyle we are all forced into, hormones such as cortisol are chronically raised and never get a chance to decrease. Because we are always dealing with work, family, finances, crowds, physical setbacks, etc., we never get a chance to truly rest. These chronically increased stress hormones will eventually lead to a depressed immune system, which can pave the way for any number of serious illnesses.

Through regular chiropractic care, we can’t change your lifestyle, but we can sure help your body deal with it better. When the integrity of the spine is restored, one has a nerve system working at peak potential with no interference. All body parts and coordinated functions will be at their best. This means that body chemistry is best balanced. Keeping your spine fully functional and free of vertebral subluxation(nerve interference) means keeping your nerve pathways open. This means things will work a whole lot better on the inside.

I can’t tell you how many times I hear chiropractic philosophy in everyday life. Remember that ad on TV that went something like this--  HOW WELL YOU RUN YOUR BUSINESS ON THE OUTSIDE DEPENDS ON HOW WELL IT IS RUN ON THE INSIDE. – What a concept!

Your Life Could Be So Much More!

So Much More

I think most people when you really get down to it, are looking for long term wellness and ways to keep fit so they can enjoy the longest and best quality of life possible. I see a lot of interest in yoga, specialized boutique gyms, and CrossFit training. When the average person thinks of chiropractic, they see it as just a medical therapy to treat back pain and stiff necks. Well, I’ve been in practice over thirty years and I’m here to say that it is so much more.

Most folks know that when spinal bones are not in the proper position due to constant everyday stress, nerves are compressed or choked off. But what does this really mean? When this occurs, your body is unable to adapt to its environment and 100% of life from the brain can’t occur.

Let’s take a fictional character named Joe. Let’s say that only 95% of life gets through to Joe’s heart(or any other tissue in the body) due to a vertebral subluxation early in life. He’s 40 now. His heart may beat a little faster or slower every now and then. It’s really not that noticeable and he feels great so he’s not worried. He doesn’t have back pain so he would never go to a chiropractor. Since he judges his health by how he feels, everything is great. Years go by, maybe five or ten. Now he only has about 70% life getting through to his heart. He doesn’t feel so hot. He gets palpitations and dizziness every now and then but he’s not worried because he only gets the symptoms every three month and they always go away real fast. He doesn’t really have time to get checked out because he works two jobs. He doesn’t want to lay out the money. He’d rather go out to dinner and drinking at the local club three times a week. He also doesn’t want to take any of his saving for that 70’’ flat screen.  And he just hates doctors. He still stays away from chiropractic because he still feels pretty good and his back feels great because now he’s exercising. More years go by and the same nerve pressure remains from the original spinal subluxation. Now maybe 40% life is getting through. Now tissues on the other side of the nerve are broken down and much life is lost. That’s when the doctor gets the call: “Help me!”  “I’m dying of pain”. “I have all these symptoms!” “My back hurts.” “I’m dizzy.” “I can’t sleep.” “I can’t work.” “My wife is divorcing me.” “My life has gone to hell!” “Fix me doc!!!” When I get that call I usually say, “Where were you last year?” “Where were you 20 years ago?” Then Joe usually says, “But I wasn’t in pain 20 years ago.” (Thanks Joe D for this great analogy)

Unfortunately that’s a story that is heard much too often in real life. Most are stuck in the mindset of treating the part and not the whole because of how we are all indoctrinated to think. With the human body, the whole is always greater than the sum of the parts. Everything is connected and all parts influence each other. What holds everything together is the intelligence that runs along the nervous system. The less pressure and interference on the nerve system, the greater the potential for life. And that is so much more.

Survival Values

Every human being is better off with a good nerve supply. This means either no nerve interference from subluxations or as little as possible.

Let’s say, for example, that an individual is free of nerve interference for only ten minutes after an adjustment. Suddenly his or her body has come under some major stress shortly after leaving the office.  What has happened to the body during that ten minute period when no nerve interference existed? Chemicals in perfect quality and quantity were being produced by the brain and sent to the proper target organs at the proper times. Days, perhaps months of damage may have been repaired. We already know through research and first hand experience that the human body has an amazing ability to adapt very efficiently. We simply have no idea what future benefits may occur; especially since 85% of what’s going on in our body is not felt by our senses. What positive survival values may be obtained as a result of the minutes, hours, days, or weeks that a person spends nerve interference free?

The one thing that greatly motivates me to be a chiropractor is grasping the concept that every person who walks out of my office will be better off than when they came in. They will all be better off with a better nerve supply, even if it’s only for 10 minutes and even if they don’t feel any different when leaving the office.

Subluxations occur frequently and universally due to constant physical, mental, and emotional stress that the body is constantly under. Gravity alone will make the weight of the body a major stress on the spine, affecting alignment and nerve system function. Nerve interference due to subluxation has devastating short term and long term effects that can be extremely far reaching later on in life. This is the one and only reason why I choose to only adjust subluxations in my practice. Use of any other therapeutic treatment modalities for any other reasons would just seem so trivial compared to what’s really at stake. 

Thank you to Dr. Joe Strauss for this idea which has been taken from one of his text books.


Everyone on this earth will benefit from chiropractic services. They just don't know it because they've either never been told, or they've been confused at some point.  This is all based on laws of nature that work all the time every time. The best way to remember is to always keep things as simple as possible. Just think of the letter “N”

1. Chiropractic deals with HUMAN PERFORMANCE.
2. Every level of performance is controlled by body chemistry.
3. Chemistry is controlled by organs whose job it is to make chemicals.
4. All the organs are controlled by the nerve system.
5. The nerve system is protected by the bones of the spine.


1. A subluxation is a bone over which the body has lost control.
2. The position of the bone irritates the nerve.
3. Irritated nerves disrupt organ function often without pain.
4. Improper organ function disrupts body chemistry.
5. Disrupted body chemistry decreases performance levels.


1. A chiropractic adjustment restores proper bone position.
2. Proper position of the bone removes nerve interference.
3. Restored nerve control allows for normal organ function.
4. Proper organ function balances body chemistry.
5. Proper / balanced body chemistry increases Human Performance.

Your body will work better internally.

How Far can You Go?

We all know that adjustments (correction of nerve interference) have a positive influence on the pain receptors located within the central nervous system. We also know that a better functioning nerve system will promote a better potential for healing and overall general health. That's great. But let's look at the far reaching affects of your nerve system when it is working at its highest efficiency. Let me point out one thing first. You can't feel nerve interference most of the time, just like you can't feel high cholesterol, infertility, gall stones, and many other things that may be going on in the body. The only way you'll ever know is if you get checked by a chiropractor. 

Some of the latest cutting edge research has suggested that chiropractic adjustments may improve brain function. When the nerve pressure is relieved (through an adjustment), some studies have concluded that there is an increase in oxygen and cerebral blood flow. Other authors have reported an association between chiropractic adjustments and improved mental function. It has been also proposed in other studies that adjustments lead to increased brain activity.

What does all this mean in real life practicality? How does clear thinking and the ability to make quick accurate decisions affect the performance of a police officer, fireman, pilot, or ER doctor every day on the job? How would having more oxygen to the brain affect your children's learning and test taking capability in school?  How would this help you every day when confronted with making decisions and judgements, which will eventually affect your income somewhere down the line? How often do you use your brain on a daily basis?

Did you know that a person’s incomes depend solely on the function of their nerve system? A waitress makes all her money on how many tables she can turn over. How much more money could she make on a busy Saturday night if her body performed better both mentally and physically. Million dollar deals are made every day on Wall Street that require sharp, meticulous thinking. How much more money could be made if brokers were just a bit sharper. How much further could you go???? Have your spine checked and adjusted for a better, more productive life!

Chiropractic Hangups

Chiropractic Hangups

In the many years that I’ve been practicing, I’ve come across some real issues that many folks outside my practice have about receiving chiropractic care. Here are my thoughts on some common hang-ups.

I went once and I had a bad experience.  – Chiropractic is a very personal profession. You just need to find the chiropractor who has a technique and personality that make you comfortable. When we go to a bad lawyer, we usually find another. When we go to a bad MD, accountant, bank, barber, or anyone else, we usually find another. Don’t write off the whole profession from one bad experience. You’re loosing out on some great life giving, and possibly life changing benefits.

If I get adjusted, I’ll need to be adjusted. - In all my years of school(>10 higher education) and practical experience(>30), my understanding of the spine and central nervous system is that everyone on this earth needs to be adjusted. This holds true if you’ve never been adjusted, or if you’ve been adjusted many times. This holds true if you feel the need to be adjusted or you don’t feel the need. Let’s put the 100 years of philosophical reasoning and scientific research aside. Just the physical law of gravity alone as it relates to the increased weight baring stress on the spine is enough common sense to make me not want to walk around with my nerves compressed and my joints all stuck together. Why would any one want to walk around like this? I can talk for another ten pages on this subject, but I’ll just make this one point.

I just don’t have the time. – Everyone makes time for things that are important to them. It takes about three to five minutes to have your spine objectively checked and adjusted only where needed. I’ll say no more.

I went for a while and I didn’t feel a difference. – I guarantee you that even though you didn’t feel a difference with regards to your primary health concern, your body still benefited in other areas from the adjustments. Everyone functions better on all levels when no nerve interference is present. That’s a fact. Maybe you needed give it more time to feel the changes you were looking for. Maybe you needed to follow your schedule for care a little closer. A hard concept for folks to grasp is that we can’t always feel all the positive changes our bodies are going through. Did you feel all those vitamins you took this morning?? We also can’t feel all the negative changes(high cholesterol, infertility, cancer, etc). Our five senses don’t always tell us everything. That’s why it’s so important to have a good understanding of what your chiropractor is doing and why. The education process is so vitally important when one starts their care.

That cracking noise sounds like my bones breaking. It surely isn’t. That’s just the sound very tiny gas bubbles exploding on a microscopic level. It’s the natural sound that occurs when tension is released from the joints. It actually feels pretty good.

My children are too young to be adjusted. My kids were checked and adjusted within one hour after they were born. The birth process, even under the most favorable conditions, is the most traumatic thing our spines will go through during our entire lives. Developing a good structure at an early age sets the stage for your child’s best possible nerve function and expression of life. Since we already know that brain and nerves signals control everything, optimal nerve system function will yield the best chance for good health in the future. Bring your children in to have their spines checked.

If I go, I’ll have to go the rest of my life. This is a silly one. No one in this world has to do anything except pay taxes and die. At least that’s what my grandmother told me. You can come for one adjustment or a lifetime of adjustments. Your health and life expression will improve either way proportionate to whatever commitment you choose. Getting your spine checked is just a good habit that we chiropractors like to promote. If I owned a gym, I’d tell you to exercise more. If I was a nutritionist, I’d tell you to watch what you eat. Brushing your teeth, drinking bottled water, wearing good shoes, taking a bath, and having a good outlook on life are all good habits to practice. So is getting your spine checked.

I’m too old. The damage is already done. You would be amazed how much the body comes back. Let’s try to better things or at least keep them in check rather than letting your body keep spiraling downward for the rest of your life.

That’s only for old people. I’m in good shape. I don’t need to be adjusted. I don’t have a bad back. – This is the young adult. The I’m indestructible, I’m perfect ego, usually found in athletic males 15-40 years of age. Here’s my answer. Chiropractic has very little to do with bad backs. Here’s a law of nature that never changes under any circumstance: STRUCTURE CONTROLS FUNCTION. If you improve your structure, you improve your nerve function. If you improve your nerve function, you will improve all the things you do, because brain messages and nerve impulses control everything. This includes ability to make money, ability to excel in athletics, health and immune function, personal relationships, nutrient absorption, quality of life, and the list goes on. I know you’re good now, but how about being better! Look at this as fitness…not treatment.

What kind of education do chiropractors have? – Chiropractors complete four years undergraduate college and three and a third full years of chiropractic education. Not to compare apples to oranges, chiropractic students complete more hours of musculo-skletal anatomy, neurology, joint physiology, and radiology than medical students. On the other hand, a medical student’s specialty requires more pharmacology and diagnosis.

I have so many health problems. I see too many doctors already. Will this interfere with what the other doctors are doing?  It absolutely will not. Achieving better nerve function will always help the body work better under any circumstance. It will never hurt. Your chiropractor’s professional judgment may cause him to stay away from certain areas of the spine if he thinks that they may need to heal on their own for a while. Be aware that most other health professionals have very little or no understanding of chiropractic. They also have no education on subluxation analysis or correction. They may tell you not to seek chiropractic care according to their own guidelines, prejudices, or competition issues. Be a free thinker and make an educated decision on what’s right for you.

It just costs too much. – It really doesn’t. Most chiropractors are very sensitive to your financial needs. They will work with you the best they are able. Maybe folks need to cut back in other things that are counter productive to better living. Many people spend ~$50 a week on coffee and doughnuts. They’ll spend hundreds every week eating out. Who knows how much is spent on alcohol, cigarettes, gambling and other vices.

I just don’t believe in it. Chiropractic is based on common sense that follows laws of nature that we live by every day. If you took the time to look into it philosophically and scientifically, I’m sure you would have a better understanding. With better understanding comes belief.


Dr. Michael Caruso – Chiropractor – 919 Main Street – Belmar – 732-749-3098

The Most Common Misconception

I usually perceive this big misconception in many folks. "If I have pain, I must be out of alignment. " "If I don't have pain, everything must be good." This is a MAJOR MISCONCEPTION. Here's the truth: ******Pain does not always = subluxation (mis-alinged spinal bone that is squeezing a spinal nerve causing nerve interference). Many things can cause a pain in the back. It could be anything from a strained muscle, to a bladder infection, to a uterine fibroid, to an aortic aneurysm. Any one of over a hundred other things may cause pain in the back.  Diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition is not within the scope of chiropractic. This falls under the practice of medicine. We can only address the structure of the spine as it relates to nerve system function. When nerve interference is corrected, the integrity of the nervous system is restored and innate potential is better expressed. This is our objective. Sometimes pain can be related to a subluxation, but many times can be related to something else.

*****No pain does not always = no subluxation. Everything is not always fine when there is no pain. Usually most subluxations detected are not pain causing. How reliable is using how you feel to determine if you are subluxated? If I was a driver who only reached my destination 10-15% of the time because I always ended up in an accident, would you take a chance and get in the car with me?  Would you take a chance on using something that has a 10-15% reliability to know if your nervous system has interference? The nervous system only has about 10-15% of its nerves that have the job of sensation. All the other nerves do things like make food taste better, make muscles stronger, balance chemistry in organs, digest and absorb nutrients, supply life to immune cells, and perform every other coordinated function that your body has to deal with on a moment to moment basis every day of your life. Those nerves will surely be affected by the subluxation, and no pain will be experienced. Why would you take a 85% chance of not knowing if any of those other nerves are possibly being interfered with? Why take a chance on having things on the inside not work as good as they should all the time? This is the reason why one's spine should be checked regularly even if there is no pain. 

The bottom line here is that the spine should be adjusted only where the chiropractor objectively locates a subluxation, not where it hurts. This will give the body its best potential for the best possible structure and balance, thus making the body healthier in the long run. If we treated an area just because there was pain, we would be practicing medicine, not chiropractic.

Michael Caruso, DC - 919 Main Street - Belmar, NJ   07719      732-749-3098

Why Do Kids Need To Have Their Spine Checked?

Why do adults need to have their spines checked?  Kids need it for the same reason.  They need it because they’re just better off living with no interference to the innate mechanism that is transmitted along their nervous system. It’s as plain and simple as that.  Most children don’t have lower back pain, stiff necks, or headaches, but I can almost guarantee you that they have some type of nerve pressure due to tiny misalignments of the spinal bones. They share the same physical, emotional, and chemical stress that we adults do.


They say that the birth process is the single most traumatic and stressful thing that the spine will ever go through in a lifetime. There has been much research over the years on this subject illustrating what exactly happens as a result of this process. It’s also been said that a child will fall down over 3,000 times before the age of three. The potential for them to be at their best can surely be limited when their nerve system is interfered with even on a tiny minimal level. Subluxation(nerve interference or pressure) damage has cumulative negative effects on body chemistry. The longer a subluxation stays in the body, the less chance the body will have to correct it on its own. Thus, the more nonreversible damage can occur over time. Remember, unbalanced body chemistry can have an effect on any or all coordinated systems in the body.


We know that our nerve system controls every function that the body conducts on a moment to moment basis.  If all the messages from the brain stay unblocked and get to where they have to go on time, body chemistry will be better balanced. The body will work better internally. Better innate potential will exist if everything inside works better. Therefore, the body will perform better in the outside world. Thus a higher potential in life will be reached.


Removing interference from the nerve system will affect us all differently.  You may never know your children’s full potential for life if they are walking around even minimally subluxated. Getting checked and adjusted regularly is about keeping your brain fully connected to the cells of your body so that your full genetic potential for life can be expressed. This should be a part of everyone’s fitness routine -young and old, healthy and sick.


Michael Caruso DC – 919 Main Street – Belmar, NJ – 732-749-3098